Anthony Redmond's Web Portfolio: Introduction to Digital Media, IS LT4361, Fall 2016

Video Project

Project: Video

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We had to create a video for this particular project. Our project created by editing video sequences, and at least one still photo. The video had to be between 30 to 60 seconds in length. We also were tasked with a maximum size requirement of 10 megabytes, and had to fit on page dimensions of no greater than 800 pixels by 600 pixels. The video had to contain a cut between the first and second video sequences, and a transition between the second and third video sequences. We also were required to provide ending credits, and site information for material that was not original. I made my video by editing videos that I had taken over time with my iPhone. I imported my movie clips into the iMovie application on my phone. I then proceeded to trim each of the clips to the desired length. I then applied my cut in between the first two video sequences by removing the transition that was placed between the two sequences automatically by the application. The next thing I did was to verify my transition between the 2nd and 3rd video sequences by confirming that iMovie had automatically placed a cross-dissolve between my clips. This application automatically applies the cross-dissolve transition upon importing clips. We also needed to insert a still image that would remain on the screen for 3 seconds. I inserted several pictures that satisfied this requirement throughout this video composition. We also had requirements for using a separate audio track, text, and a title screen in our project. I recorded a voiceover on my phone within the iMovie application. I utilized iMovie's text tool to insert the text onto my title page. I made the image for my ending credits in an iPhone application called Fontmania. I typed out my credits in the application, and changed the font before exporting my image from Fontmania. I then imported that image back into video composition in iMovie. The detailed process that I completed can be downloaded by selecting the project document link below.

Project Document