Anthony Redmond's Web Portfolio: Introduction to Digital Media, IS LT4361, Fall 2016

Image Projects

Project: Banner

The class was tasked with developing a banner for a parenting website. This assignment focused on the use of blending multiple images, using transparency, masking, and the usage of text elements. Our final banner image had to be 1000 pixels by 400 pixels. Our composition needed to contain an overlapping element as well. I accomplished this by positioning elements to intersect as in our instructions for the project. There was also a focus on blending images together using the transparency gradient tool. I applied the transparency gradient to the messy faced baby in my composition, which blended his face into the sky portion of my scaled background image. I titled my banner "Parenting Today For A Better Tomorrow" because I truly believe that our children are our future.

Project: Icon

We were instructed to also create an icon to the specifications of size, color range, and transparency. Our final icon image had to exported as a .PNG to preserve transparency. The pixel size of our final icon image was to be 100 pixels by 100 pixels, and could only use 3 colors.

Project: Image Gallery

The last imaging project required that we create a composition using techniques that we learned from our first imaging project and at least 3 new techniques that weren't taught in our first imaging project. There were restrictions on the sources that we could use to acquire images. I used my iPhone to take two separate pictures, then masked out the portions of those photos that wouldn't blend well. I then made minor modifications to produce the end result. Please click the following link to view my process.

Image Gallery Project