Image Gallery

I utilized the current version of Photoshop that is part of the Adobe Creative Cloud. The hardware I used for this assignment was the Surface Pro 4 with the Surface Pen. I own a very powerful custom built pc as well as an IPad, but the Surface Pen allows for better control when making selections using the pen tool. If the magnetic option is selected while using the freeform pen tool, then masking will become very easy if a stylus or writing instrument such as the Surface Pen is used. For the image gallery portion of assignment 2 I decided to use my Apple IPhone 6 Plus to acquire my pictures. I positioned my IPhone, and then I took two pictures. I used my Apple Watch to remotely trigger the camera on my phone. The first picture was of me smiling into the corner of the photograph as seen in the link below.

I left the phone in place for the second picture. It is very important that the phone or camera isn’t moved or else the effect will be ruined. I then sat in an office chair at the table for the second picture that I acquired from my IPhone pictured in the photograph as seen in the following link.

I then created the image seen in the following link using Adobe Photoshop CC.

-Technique used from part 1:

I opened up the picture of me sitting in Photoshop. I then opened the picture of me smiling onto a layer above the picture of me sitting using the Place Embedded function in the File menu. I didn’t bother adjusting the canvas size or image size since both photographs came from the same source, and I didn’t plan on changing the size on the output of the final image. Making sure that I had the layer of me smiling selected I used the layer masking technique from part 1 of this assignment. I selected the free form pen tool, and enabled the magnetic function. I then traced around my face that was positioned in the corner of the layer. I then right clicked onto my selection and selected the option labeled make selection. The next step was to switch to the rectangular marquee tool, right click onto my selection, then use select inverse function. I then selected the layer mask option from the layer mask menu and chose hide selection. After making this selection I had my head in the photo with me sitting at the table.

-3 new techniques:

-Feathering is a technique that allows for the softening of edges when trying to blend two or more images or masks. I utilized the technique by right clicking onto my layer mask that was created for the layer containing my head in the corner, and selecting select and mask. I then selected the feather option under the global refinements tab and moved the value to 89.4 pixels. This technique softened up my edges from my layer mask, which produced a better blend of the two images.

-Content Aware-Filling is a technique that allows the user to make a selection and remove that particular selection from the composition. I used this technique to remove the clock and sign on the door. I used the free form pen tool to trace around the clock on the layer of me sitting. I then right clicked on the area I had traced around, and chose make selection from the menu. Next I made sure that I had the layer of me sitting selected, and then selected the rectangular marquee tool. I then right clicked on the menu and selected fill. After selecting feel a menu appeared, with options on how to fill my selection. I selected content-aware from the dropdown, and selected the option for color adaptation. I clicked the ok button, which applied the fill. The clock was removed perfectly. I repeated this same method to remove the sign on the bathroom door as well.

-Content Aware-Extrusion is a technique that allows for the duplicating of select portions of a composition. I demonstrated this technique by using the free form pen to make my selection around the calendar on the wall. I right clicked onto my selection, and selected the make selection option. I then made sure that I had the layer of me sitting selected, and then chose the content aware move tool. I changed the mode for the tool to extend. In the extend mode the tool will replicate the selection. I then clicked, held, and drug the duplicate of my selection to the upper right of the original calendar.